Event Sponsored By: RAF STEM
About This Event:
As a Museum, we strive to champion, support and enthuse young women in their pursuit of and engagement with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects. Our International Women in Engineering Day is an opportunity for female students to experience interactive, innovative and careers-focused hands-on activities and hear from leading inspirational women in the industry. The young women attending will be supported in realising their full potential and encouraged to consider careers in Engineering.
Activities :
Drone Workshop with The Drone Rules (tbc)
Data STEMinism - Explore statistics of Women working in STEM subjects over the last 50 years in this practical workshop. Build skills with spreadsheets, data analysis and data representation.
Women in Computing - Discover the inspirational achievements of past and present Women in Computing and explore their impact on the industry in this interactive museum exploration.
Hand-on-Hardware & Tech Sustainability (tbc) - Learn more about the ethics of technology in this thought-provoking session, find out more about sustainable data storage and deconstruct Hard Drives.
Inspirational Stories with Dr Agnes Kaposi
Dr Kaposi was born in 1932 to Hungarian-Jewish and socialist parents. Her family suffered from political and racial oppression, but only in the final year of the war did the Holocaust reach Hungary. Over the course of only two months, aided by the Hungarian gendarmerie, the Nazis murdered almost half a million Hungarian Jews. Agnes was there, witnessing the events. She survived the Debrecen ghetto, worked as a child labourer in the camps of Austria, and lost half her family.
Liberated from the camps by the Soviet army, Agnes returned to Hungary where a Stalinist regime followed. In 1956, she graduated from the Technical University of Budapest with a degree in electrical /electronic engineering, as an apprentice contributing to the development of the Hungarian TV broadcasting infrastructure. After the 1956 Uprising against Communist rule, she escaped from her native Hungary and, with labour permit in hand, entered Britain. She worked as an industrial researcher in the Telecommunication and Computer industries, obtaining her PhD in Computer Aided Design. As a Churchill Fellow, she investigated the role of women in engineering. She became the third woman to have been elected as Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. She worked in research, education and as a consultant to industrial organisations and universities in the UK and overseas, a role model for women in science and engineering. (Book Signing in the Shop after this event)
Q&A Panel with Dr Agnes Kaposi and RAF Engineering team
The National Museum of Computing Block H, Bletchley Park, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK3 6DS.
IMPORTANT: Terms and Conditions
Spaces are limited. The capacity for this event is 80 students.
Each school attending may bring a maximum of 20 students.
The content of our International Women in Engineering Day is targeted towards students aged between 11-15 years (Secondary School Years 7 - 10).
Whilst this event is free, schools must give 2 months notice if they will not be attending; this will enable their places to be offered to another school on the Waiting List. Failure to do so will incur a charge of £160.00.