In Memorium

At The National Museum of Computing, we remember and honor the cherished members of our community who have made lasting contributions to our work and mission. Their passion, dedication, and love for preserving the history of computing have left an indelible mark on our Museum and all who knew them.

Their legacy lives on through the projects they helped shape, the knowledge they shared, and the community they helped build. We celebrate their lives and the lasting impact they have had on our shared mission.

Aneesa Riffat, 1978-2024

Senior Curator

Aneesa was our first professional curator at The National Museum of Computing, joining us in the leadership role of Senior Curator and Collections Manager two years ago. In her sadly short time with the Museum, she professionalised our collections management policies, procedures and documentation, and trained our volunteer curators in implementing professional curatorial practices. Working closely with the Trustees and Museum Director, Aneesa made a major contribution to our successful application for Arts Council England Accreditation, taking responsibility for the curatorial aspects of the application.

We are immensely grateful for all she achieved for our Museum, and all of us miss her as a valued friend and colleague.

Read the Museums Association’s tribute to Aneesa here.