Fifty Years Ago .... from the pages of Computer Weekly
/Fifty Years Ago .... from the pages of Computer Weekly. All the talk was of the machines that took men to the moon.
Brian Aldous – TNMoC Archivist
Read MoreFifty Years Ago .... from the pages of Computer Weekly. All the talk was of the machines that took men to the moon.
Brian Aldous – TNMoC Archivist
Read MoreRichard (Dick) Barnes, co-designer of the Harwell Dekatron computer, died aged 98 on 8 April 2019.
Read MoreTNMOC volunteer Ben Trethowan has won a prestigious 2019 National Cyber Award using skills and expertise from his professional career as an information security manager for Square Enix.
Read MoreThe Datapoint MINX (Multimedia Information Network eXchange) from the early 1980s -- nearly 20 years before Skype was launched.
Read MoreEach month, TNMOC librarians highlight a historic book in the museum collection.
Read MoreThe TRS-80 Color Computer was launched by Tandy Radio Shack in 1981. There are very few colour photos of computers of that era, and this one was originally used in a Radio Shack catalogue.
Read MoreAn insider view of an EDSAC team meeting. An example of the technical discussions necessary to accomplish the feat of reconstructing a computer that fist ran almost 60 years ago.
Read MoreJohn Nicholas (Nick) Miers, a volunteer at TNMOC has passed away. An inspiring and very knowledgeable guide in the Tunny and Colossus Galleries, he is fondly remembered by trustees, staff, fellow volunteers and visitors at the Museum.
Read MoreThe National Museum of Computing was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee on 2005, number 05407952. The company was granted charitable status in England and Wales in 2005, charity number 1109874.