National Museum of Computing Awarded Nationally Styled Accreditation

The National Museum of Computing Has Been Awarded Nationally Styled Accreditation

Bletchley, 24th May 2024 – We are thrilled to share the fantastic news that the National Museum of Computing (TNMOC) has been honoured with full Accreditation as a Nationally Styled Museum through the UK Museum Accreditation Scheme.

Administered by Arts Council England, the Accreditation Scheme is the UK industry standard for museums and galleries. It helps everyone involved with a museum to do the right things, allowing people to access and engage with collections, and protect them for future generations. The Accreditation Scheme does this by making sure museums manage their collections properly, engage with visitors, and are governed appropriately by encouraging all museums and galleries to meet an agreed standard in: how they’re run; how they manage their collections; and how they engage with their users. More than 1,700 museums across the UK participate in the scheme, ranging from the smallest volunteer-run museums to government-funded national institutions.

Receiving full accreditation as a nationally styled museum recognises our collections’ national importance and international interest, our support of other museums working in our field, our learning programme, and our ongoing research and scholarly publications.

This achievement wouldn't be possible without the dedicated commitment of our Trustees, our Museum Director, our former Senior Curator Aneesa Riffat, our staff, our knowledgeable volunteers, and our stalwart supporters, partners and sponsors. Their unwavering dedication to bringing to life the history and ongoing development of computing for inspiration, research, learning and enjoyment for the benefit of general and specialist publics of all ages has been fundamental to our success.

What does accreditation mean for us? It signifies that the National Museum of Computing has demonstrated strong governance, excels in how it manages and delivers its operations, is dedicated to the care of its collections and offers an accessible, informative, inspirational, and enjoyable user experience to our diverse range of audiences.

As we celebrate this milestone in our development, we reaffirm our commitment to excellence and to maintaining the standards expected of us as the UK National Museum of Computing. As a Museum, we will continue to welcome visitors from the UK and around the world to come explore the history of computing, to learn of the ongoing developments in the field that impact our lives every day, and to enjoy our collections of working preserved and reconstructed historically significant machines.

We extend our thanks to Arts Council England for their recognition and Museum Development South East for their support in helping us through the accreditation process.

Connect with The National Museum of Computing

About The National Museum of Computing:

Situated on the historic grounds of Bletchley Park, The National Museum of Computing is an independent institution that brings computing history to life for the general public and specialists alike. The museum's approach blends engaging exhibits with a focus on British computing heritage and ongoing innovation. TNMOC is committed to preserving, restoring, and demonstrating historic computing machinery, offering successful learning programs, and fostering the next generation of computer scientists and engineers through educational initiatives, festivals, lectures, and interactive events.

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01908 374708