Fifty Years Ago .... from the pages of Computer Weekly

16th May 1974 computing, compiled by TNMOC volunteer archivist, Brian Aldous.

A selection of stories from Computer Weekly from 16th May 1974. The full archive of Computer Weekly can be seen at TNMOC, where there are special rolling displays of front pages from 25 and 40 years ago.

Com-Share’s DBMS aids navigation system evaluation: The latest series of efficiency evaluations to be performed on Decca Navigator’s Omnitrack air navigation system is to be aided by the use of the Composit 77 database management system, provided by Com-Share’s London bureau. Omnitrack is based on a Decca minicomputer carried on board the aircraft. This operates a moving map display, according to data from the aircraft’s internal instruments, thus enabling its position to be deduced without reference to signals from ground stations. The system can also drive the automatic pilot. Decca claims that the use of Omnitrack results in a saving of fuel and a simplification of air traffic control. The main purpose of the current assessment is to test the accuracy of these claims. To this end, a detailed comparison is to be made between air routes equipped with Omnitrack, and those not using the system. The data obtained will be collated and analysed using Composit 77. Com-Share anticipates that the eventual size of the database will exceed two million characters. (CW 394 23/5/1974 p12)

1903T/2903-based medical project: Following local government reorganisations in April, the new Mersey Regional Health Authority, in Liverpool, is to undertake an ambitious medical project based on an ICL 1903T front-ended by a 2903. The installation will eventually replace an existing 1902 system in Liverpool and have a wide range of medical and administrative applications. Scheduled to be installed in a new computer centre next January and to go live in April, the 1903T, with 96K core memory, will maintain a service for a large region around Liverpool, from Southport to Macclesfield and Crewe, including the Wirral area. Major applications to be supported include payroll for about 50,000 health employees; accounting; hospital activity analysis; and hospital information systems for three large hospitals using off-line STC terminals. The 2903, which is expected to be delivered at the end of next April, will be used in an experiment, supported by the Department of Health and Social Security, and run by the Liverpool Area Health Authority (Teaching). In all, 16 VDUs will be located in an adjacent, new medical teaching centre, scheduled for completion in early 1976. The 2903 will be used partly to test out the viability of running small machines in hospitals, which are supported by mainframes such as the 1903T, for file handling work. Other uses for the 1903T
include radiotherapy dosage planning; medical record keeping; and the support of an experiment, again under the auspices of the DHSS but run by the MRHA, into the use of computers in pathology areas. (CW 394 23/5/1974 p13)