Fifty Years Ago .... from the pages of Computer Weekly
/30th January 1975 computing, compiled by TNMOC volunteer archivist, Brian Aldous.
A selection of stories from Computer Weekly from 30th January 1975. The full archive of Computer Weekly can be seen at TNMOC, where there are special rolling displays of front pages from 25 and 40 years ago.
InterScan handles Barclaycard task: Sales vouchers from shops and other outlets accepting Barclaycards provide the bulk of the source data now being captured for computer processing by three InterScan 2100 key-to-disc systems with a total of 76 VDU key-stations now installed at Barclaycard centres at Birmingham, Middlesbrough and Liverpool. A sales voucher is prepared each time a Barclaycard holder makes a purchase using his card, data from the voucher being required by Barclaycard to pay the shop and bill the holder. The InterScan systems will also be used to capture data from remittance forms sent in by card holders when they pay their bills. Each of the three InterScan systems has a 28K Alpha 16 processor, two 2.2 Megabyte discs and two 1,600 bpi tape drives. There are 31 VDUs at Birmingham, 26 at Middlesbrough and 19 at Liverpool. Middlesbrough handles remittances, Liverpool sales vouchers and Birmingham both. (CW 430 30/1/1975 p11)